[TEST] Developer-Led Landscape: Complexity, Automation & A Future of Autonomous Development

[TEST] 1.2: Wage Increases For Software Developers Are Not Creating A Wealth Effect That Can Bring Supply In Balance With Demand.

Nov 14, 2022 · < 1  min

Source United States Bureau of Labor Statistics; USNews salary rankings.

The average wage growth for software developers has barely matched pace with inflation. In spite of the riches that people hear about for top tier engineering positions within Silicon Valley startups, the reality is those positions reflect a small portion of the global developer population. And the average developer’s wages haven’t yet increased at a pace that would attract larger number of entrants of people, who perhaps don’t love engineering, but would enter the field just for its attractive wage.

This data doesn’t take into account an increase in developers who are consultants and that switch often creates an event where significant wage increases can occur.

It’s estimated that less than 10% of the global developer population would identify as a consultant.

Next: [TEST] 1.3: Developer Growth Is Limited By Generational Factors And Short Careers.